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Interacting with Results

Published: Not Available

Last Update: October 09, 2024


This endpoint is mostly used to retrieve the grades from all the students in bulk, useful when the LTI tool requires a sync of the existing information in Blackboard Learn. The endpoint to call is the following and will only receive a GET request:


The response of the endpoint will be an array of object, each having the following information:

idID of the association between lineItemId, userId and gradeString
scoreOfID of the lineItem associated with the gradeString
userIdThe ID of the user associated with the gradeString
resultScoreGrade assigned to the userdouble
resultMaximummaximum grade assigned to the columnInteger
commentFeedback to the userString

A sample of a response from the results endpoint will be shown below

"id": "",
"scoreOf": "",
"userId": "b317a895e7f64796a3fd01bb18a61d65",
"resultScore": 50,
"resultMaximum": 100,
"comment": ""
"id": "",
"scoreOf": "",
"userId": "77a1f06f53a1498fbf02eef7b34876c6",
"resultScore": 95,
"resultMaximum": 100,
"comment": ""
"id": "",
"scoreOf": "",
"userId": "77a1f06f53a1498fbf02eef7b34876c6",
"resultScore": 10,
"resultMaximum": 100,
"comment": ""