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Interacting with Columns

Published: Not Available

Last Update: October 09, 2024


Now that you are authenticated, (if not, follow the document Authenticating to the LTI Subsystems to complete the authentication), we can start working with the column itself. The endpoint that will be used will vary depending on whether you want to perform actions on a single column or multiple.

Before we start

The following is a list of property definitions available for column operations, this will be used throughout the document and most (if not all) will be available in some responses or required in some requests

idInternal identifier for the specific columnString{learn_domain}/learn/api/v1/lti/courses/_4_1_/lineItems/_13_1_
scoreMaximumMaximum grade assigned to the columnInteger100
labelName of the column, visible in the GradebookString"Final Exam - 40%"
resourceLinkIdID of the Course content item linked to the column (if any)String_3712_1
endDateTimeDue date of the gradebook column (if any)Date String (ISO)2024-10-11T04:59:59.999Z
gradesReleasedWhether the systems should show the grades to the student right away or notbooleantrue
tagIdentifier provided by you, it could be an identifier of your systems - Not visible to students (only for columns created through a POST request)String0192719f-c182-7ccd-91a3-9a67497253d9
resourceIdIdentifier provided by you, it could be an identifier of your systems (only for columns created through a POST request)String3880c5df-cc17-47c5-87cd-bcd4100dabe3

Available endpoints

As seen in previous documents, the endpoints that will be used are included in the LTI launch and can be sourced from there with all the required information. If this is not available, or you're trying to perform actions without an LTI launch, the endpoints are the following:

Endpoint for multiple column operations


Endpoint for single column operations


Multiple column operations

The available operations for multiple columns are limited, the two available supported are GET and POST.


When performing a GET request to the endpoint mentioned above, the system will return an array with the information about all the columns created by the tool in the specific courseId, each of the items of the array will be an object that contains the following structure:

"id": "",
"scoreMaximum": 100,
"label": "Anthology Tool - Course Content Tool",
"resourceLinkId": "_3712_1",
"endDateTime": "2024-10-11T04:59:59.999Z",
"gradesReleased": true
"id": "",
"scoreMaximum": 100,
"label": "Anthology Tool - Course Content Tool",
"resourceLinkId": "_3713_1",
"endDateTime": "2024-10-11T04:59:59.999Z",
"gradesReleased": true
"id": "",
"scoreMaximum": 90,
"label": "AGS Created",
"tag": "AGS Created tag",
"resourceId": "baaf7da8-f99a-42ca-a72f-292cfd0eb27d",
"gradesReleased": true


The post operation to this endpoint will create a new column on the indicated course, which will be automatically linked to your tool and will show if you query for all the columns. Keep in mind that columns created through this method will not allow you to set a specific resourceLinkId since that can only be set when creating a deep linking item.

To create the column, you must send a JSON payload with the required fields outlined here:

fieldRequiredTypeDescriptionDefault value
labelYesStringName of the column - Visible to usersN/A
scoreMaximumYesIntegerMaximum grade assigned to this columnN/A
resourceIdNoStringAn identifier of the resource on the tool's endnull
tagNoStringAn identifier of the resource on the tool's endnull
endDateTimeNoDate String (ISO)Due date of the columnnull
gradesreleasedNobooleanFlag to indicate whether the grades are available to students after adding them or nottrue

The response of this request will return a 201 code with the object of the column created and its corresponding IDs in Blackboard Learn.

For single column operations

If the initial LTI launch was performed through a Deep Linking item or Course Content placement, the information about the learn_domain and courseId will be available on the token, if the request is being performed from your tool directly, you will need to source this information from other places such as REST API or using the call to GET multiple columns (see above).

The available operations for single column operations are GET, PUT, DELETE.


Just as its "multiple columns operations" counterpart, the GET endpoint returns the information about the columns, however, this just returns the information based on the column ID you provide. The URL of the request will look like this:


The response will look like this:

For columns created through Deep Linking or Course Content Tool placements

"id": "https://{learn_domain}/learn/api/v1/lti/courses/_220_1/lineItems/_1398_1",
"scoreMaximum": 100,
"label": "Anthology Tool - Course Content Tool",
"resourceLinkId": "_3713_1",
"endDateTime": "2024-10-11T04:59:59.999Z",
"gradesReleased": true

For columns created through the Assignments and Grades service directly

"id": "https://{learn_domain}/learn/api/v1/lti/courses/_220_1/lineItems/_1399_1",
"scoreMaximum": 90,
"label": "AGS Created",
"tag": "AGS Created tag",
"resourceId": "baaf7da8-f99a-42ca-a72f-292cfd0eb27d",
"gradesReleased": true


The PUT method is used to update information about the grading column such as label, score, due date, etc. This endpoint can receive any of the object properties and updates the existing columns with the updated data.

Read-Only properties

When updating the information of a grading column, make sure you don't include any ready-only fields (such as the id field) since this will result on a 400 response from the server

As a response, the system will send the updated object with a 200 response code.


This method is quite simple since it will just delete the existing gradebook column from the system

Destructive action

Please be wary when performing this action, this will remove the column completely from the system, including any attempt and/or grades already saved or posted. Blackboard Learn support doesn't have a way to restore these columns.