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Student REST API: First Steps

Published: Not Available

Last Update: Not Available


Anthology offers a suite of education technology tools, both software and hardware. REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is a lightweight, flexible web service architecture that allows HTTP commands to be sent to Web Applications without unnecessary overhead.

Before You Get Started


Student APIs are made available exclusively to licensed Anthology member campuses. Third-party or public use of Student APIs is prohibited without the consent of Anthology.

API Access

Campus developers who wish to access the API must be pre-approved by Anthology.

Developers may be added to the approved list by having the official campus contact, who is responsible for your license, send the following information for each developer to the Support Team (

  • Full name
  • Unique identifier
  • Campus email address

Once approved, developers may manage their own access keys at: https://{campusdomain} where {campusdomain} is the name/host of your institution's Anthology installation.


In order to maintain data security, an authorization token is required to make calls to the API. How you handle retrieving an authorization token is dependent on your Student configuration. You may read about authorization tokens and Student configuration in detail at

More Information

We will continue to add new examples, tutorials, and code samples so make sure to check these links regularly.

Contributors on this article:

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Mark O'Neil

Former DirectorPlatform and APIs