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Upload a file to Ally

Published: Not Available

Last Update: Not Available


Start the process by uploading the file you would like to get feedback for. This is a multipart POST request. The response will contain the statusUrl that you can poll to check whether the file has been processed. If the file was processed previously, a resourceUrl will be provided through which you can fetch the feedback information immediately.

Supported content types

  • PDF files
  • Microsoft® Word files
  • Microsoft® PowerPoint® files
  • OpenOffice/LibreOffice files
  • Uploaded HTML files
  • Image files (JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BPM, TIFF)


POST /api/v2/clients/:clientId/content

Path Parameters

  • clientId - Path parameter - Your Ally Client ID

Body Parameters

  • file - Post parameter - The binary file data

Query Parameters

  • None

Expected response

There are two potential outcomes:

  1. The file is new and will be processed asynchronously. The endpoint will return with a 202 Accepted response and the following response body:

    "hash": "UkVBRE1FLm1k...",
    "status": "pending",
    "statusUrl": "/api/v2/clients/:clientId/content/UkVBRE1FLm1k.../status,
    "resourceUrl": null
    hashthe content hash used to reference the file by Ally as a Service
    statusthe stage of processing the file is in*
    statusUrlthe endpoint to call to check the status
    resourceUrlthe endpoint to retrieve the report or metadata

    *The following status values can be identified:

    • success
    • pending
    • inprogress
    • failed
  2. The file has been processed before. The endpoint will return a 303 See Other with a Location header to the feedback URL

Testing with cURL

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer myJwtToken" \

Frequently Asked Questions

This section contains answers to many of the common questions we field as developers are on-boarding to the Ally as a Service API.

Upload - input

  • Q: I have questions about the version support for each of these. For instance, which versions of Office are supported?
    • Office 365, Office 2016, LibreOffice 5.2, LibreOffice 5.4
  • Q: What image file formats are supported?
    • Most image types whose mimetype starts with image/
  • Q: Are there constraints on images: sizes, resolution?
    • No
  • Q: Are there any restrictions on HTML files? What about external references in the HTML files?
    • External references will be resolved and included for the HTML accessibility check, but the files themselves will not be checked.
  • Q: Is there support for HTML archive formats?
    • No
  • Q: Is there any support for archive format: zip, tar?
    • No

Upload - mechanics

  • Q: We’re posting into an end-point protected with TLS 1.2 or higher, right?
    • Yes. We use standard AWS security practices (ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-2017-01)
  • Q: Related to the archive question, are we posting the raw file, or is it organized in a multipart/form-data?
    • Raw Files are uploaded through a multipart upload. One file at a time.
  • Q: What’s the maximum file size?
    • There is a 50MB file size limit. We're gathering feedback on how large this limit should be to support our customers.
  • Q: Does the endpoint require a particular encoding?
    • UTF-8 is recommended
  • Q: Does the POST have to have an accurate Content-Length: header?
    • Yes
  • Q: Do the authentication tokens expire?
    • No
  • Q: If we had N writers submitting to this API, would each have to have a separate authentication token?
    • No
  • Q: Can we submit compressed files? No If so, what compression does Ally support?
    • None
  • Q: For the 303/See Other response, if we mistakenly permitted two writers to submit the same file in some brief period, would that automatically be caught? How long is that window?
    • Yes

Upload - output

  • Q: I’m especially surprised to see the (x0,y0,x1,y) notation for errors. Can you tell me more about that?
    • These are coordinates for areas in the document that contain some accessibility issue. They are coordinates that correspond to our PDF preview version.
  • Q: The output meta data contains “isVersioned”. Is there a standard way to present versions of documents when we post them?
    • No, see next answer.
  • Q: The meta data contains a “name”, “description” and other parameters. But these are not reflections of arguments in the initial POST. Is this just an indication that there’s a richer set of arguments for the submission phase?
    • These parameters are artifacts from our LMS API. They will be removed shortly as they carry no function in a standalone function.

Contributors on this article:

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Scott Hurrey

Former DirectorIntegrations, Developer Relations and Standards