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Check the processing status of a file

Published: Not Available

Last Update: Not Available


Ally processes files asynchronously. We aim to process files in near-realtime, but some delays might be present. This endpoint can be used to poll for status updates.


GET /api/v2/clients/:clientId/content/:contentHash/status

Path Parameters

  • clientId - Path parameter - Your Ally Client ID
  • contentHash - Path parameter - The content hash from the previous endpoint

Body Parameters

  • None

Query Parameters

  • None

Expected response

This endpoint will always return a 200 status code for existing content hashes regardless of whether the file was processed successfully.

"hash": "MS4gQWxsI...",
"status": "success",
"statusUrl": "/api/v2/clients/:clientId/content/MS4gQWxsIH.../status",
"resourceUrl": "/api/v2/clients/:clientId/content/MS4gQWxsIH..."
hashthe content hash used to reference the file by Ally as a Service
statusthe stage of processing the file is in*
statusUrlthe endpoint to call to check the status
resourceUrlthe endpoint to retrieve the report or metadata

The following status values can be identified:

  • success
  • pending
  • inprogress
  • failed

Testing with cURL

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer myJwtToken" \

Contributors on this article:

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Scott Hurrey

Former DirectorIntegrations, Developer Relations and Standards