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Retrieve the feedback for a file

Published: Not Available

Last Update: Not Available


Once the file is processed, the feedback can be retrieved


GET /api/v2/clients/:clientId/content/:contentHash

Path Parameters

  • clientId - Path parameter - Your Ally Client ID
  • contentHash - Path parameter - The content hash from the previous endpoint

Body Parameters

  • None

Query Parameters

  • feedback
    • Query parameter - Whether feedback information should be returned. Should be true, false or omitted.
    • Requires the content:getDetails:withFeedback action to be granted in the JWT token before data is release
  • formats
    • Query parameter - Whether alternative format information should be returned. Should be true, false or omitted.
    • Requires the content:getDetails:withFormats action to be granted in the JWT token before data is release

Expected response

For more information on the contents of this JSON, visit the feedback definitions page.


"hash": "Mi4gSGVhZGluZ3NfdGFnZ2VkX2luY29ycmVjdGx5LnBkZjo4NkE3NEJGOTUxRDA2NEM4Qzk1ODUyMDI0NEQ0REJBNkM4RDdGRjJCOmFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL3BkZg==",
"feedback": {
"score": 0.4292113158749556,
"visibility": "medium",
"report": {
"results": {
"Scanned": {
"score": 1
"Tagged": {
"score": 1
"AlternativeText": {
"snippets": [
"page": 3,
"y0": 397.45,
"x0": 72,
"y1": 720,
"x1": 526
"page": 4,
"y0": 394.81,
"x0": 72,
"y1": 720,
"x1": 476.8
"score": 0
"Contrast": {
"snippets": [
"page": 0,
"y0": 588.6369,
"x0": 63.583138,
"y1": 612.7333,
"x1": 385.0053
"page": 1,
"y0": 688.4769,
"x0": 63.583138,
"y1": 712.5733,
"x1": 473.90308
"score": 0.9442992157651318
"HeadingsSequential": {
"snippets": [
"page": 2,
"y0": 583.18,
"x0": 72.024,
"y1": 620.98,
"x1": 233.324
"score": 0.9230769230769231
"HeadingsHigherLevel": {
"snippets": [],
"score": 1
"Title": {
"score": 0
"TableHeaders": {
"snippets": [
"page": 1,
"y0": 344.09,
"x0": 77.664,
"y1": 645.45996,
"x1": 517.17
"score": 0
"LanguagePresence": {
"score": 1
"HeadingsPresence": {
"score": 1
"LanguageCorrect": {
"detectedLanguage": "en",
"score": 1
"HeadingsStartAtOne": {
"snippets": [
"page": 0,
"y0": 586.06,
"x0": 72.024,
"y1": 620.26,
"x1": 376.75403
"score": 0
"LibraryReference": {
"score": 0
"suggestions": {
"HeadingsSequential": 0.4306552764930626,
"Title": 0.4471530009744932,
"TableHeaders": 0.47092573373138025,
"HeadingsStartAtOne": 0.44798280391034667,
"AlternativeText": 0.6169261962288668,
"Contrast": 0.4515796153846155,
"LibraryReference": 1
"formats": null,
"metadata": {
"name": "2. Headings_tagged_incorrectly.pdf",
"decorative": null,
"description": null,
"fileType": "pdf",
"mimeType": "application/pdf",
"isVersioned": false,
"isSeizureInducing": false,
"libraryReference": null

feedback=false or omitted

"hash": "RGV2ZWxvcGVyIFJlbGF0aW9ucyBhbmQgU3RhbmRhcmRzIFRlYW0gRGVzaWduLnBwdHg6Qz",
"feedback": null,
"formats": null,
"metadata": {
"name": "Developer Relations and Standards Team Design.pptx",
"decorative": null,
"description": null,
"fileType": "presentation",
"mimeType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation",
"isVersioned": false,
"isSeizureInducing": false,
"libraryReference": null

Testing with cURL

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer myJwtToken" \

Contributors on this article:

Profile picture of the contributor

Scott Hurrey

Former DirectorIntegrations, Developer Relations and Standards