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Data types for contentHandler

Published: Not Available

Last Update: Not Available


Learn's /contents endpoints accommodate different types of content by using different handlers. Use the contentHandler field of requests and responses to indicate which content handler should be used. Available contentHandlers their uses are summarized below.

Supported handlers include:

contentHandler IDDescriptionSupported since
resource/x-bb-document(Original) base document type, consists of rich text with an associated title
(Ultra) basic content item
resource/x-bb-externallinkexternal link3000.1.0
resource/x-bb-folderdocument that has child documents3000.1.0
resource/x-bb-courselinklink to a Blackboard course3100.5.0
resource/x-bb-forumlinklink to a discussion object3100.6.0
resource/x-bb-blti-linklink to an LTI object3200.6.0
resource/x-bb-filerepresents a file object within Learn3200.6.0
resource/x-bb-asmt-test-link(Ultra only) Ultra assignment or test object3300.5.0
resource/x-bb-assignment(Original only)3400.9.0


  • Original experience: Base content type consisting of rich text with an associated title.
  • Ultra: represents the body of an Ultra document object. It must be the child of a resource/x-bb-folder content item for which isBbPage=true.

Link to an external resource. It has the following properties:

  • id (string, read-only) of the object in Learn
  • url (string) of the external resource


Content item that contains child content items. It has the following properties:

  • id (string, read-only) of the object in Learn
  • isBbPage (boolean) whether the object represents a page in its own right

Content item with a link to other objects within Learn. It has the following properties:

  • id (string, read-only) of the object in Learn
  • targetId (string) of the linked Learn object
  • targetType (string) is the Blackboard object type of the linked object. Possible values include:
    • Unset
    • CourseAssessment
    • CourseTOC
    • Forum
    • Tool
    • CollabSession (deprecated since 3000.1.0)
    • Group
    • BlogJournal
    • StaffInfo
    • ModulePage

Content item with a link to a discussion object. It has the following properties:

  • id (string, read-only) of the object in Learn
  • discussionId (string) for the discussion object in Learn

Representation of an LTI link within course content. It has the following properties:

  • id (string, read-only) of the object in Learn
  • url (string) of the the LTI link
  • customParameters is a map of custom parameters to POST to the specified launch URL. Learn serializes the entire custom parameters map, so you should specify all custom parameters when the map is changed.


Representation of a file uploaded to course content.

  • id (string, read-only) of the object in Learn
  • file is an object with the following properties:
    • uploadId (string, read-only) is the system-assigned ID of the uploaded file
    • fileName (string) is the name of the file
    • mimeType (string, read-only) is the MIME type. Learn uses IANA standards to assign MIME type based on the filename extension.
    • duplicateFileHandling (string, optional) used to describe behavior when a file is uploaded that duplicates an existing filename. Options include:
      • Rename (default) causes the new file with the duplicate name to be renamed.
      • Replace causes the new file to replace the earlier file with the same name.
      • ThrowError causes Learn to throw an error.

(Ultra experience only) Representation of an assignment/test link object

  • id (string, read-only) of the object in Learn
  • assessmentId (string) is the ID of the associated assessment
  • gradeColumnId (string) is the ID of the associated grade column


(Original experience only)

  • id (string, read-only) of the object in Learn
  • gradeColumnId (string, read only) ID of the associated grade column
  • groupContent (boolean) specifies whether or not the content is group content.

Contributors on this article:

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Ryan Haber

Sr. Content DesignerContent Team - Blackboard Learn