The type of requests to send.
The response from some IntegrationMessageType requests.
The type of portal response events.
Auth type used to cover all events, no other authorization scopes are needed when using this scope.
The type to be used in an IAuthorizeRequest.
The event type to be used in an IBaseNavigationRegistrationRequest.
The type to be used in IAnalyticsEvent and IRouteEvent requests.
Auth type needed for HELP_REGISTER_TYPE events.
The event type to be used in an IHelpProviderRegistrationRequest.
The event type to be used in an IHelpProviderRequest
The event type to be used in an IHelpProviderResponse
The event type to be used in an IOriginalityReportRegistrationRequest.
The event type to be used in an IOriginalityReportSaveSettingsMessage.
The event type to be used in an IOriginalityReportSaveSettingsProcessing response.
The event type to be used in an IOriginalityReportSaveSettingsResponse.
Auth type needed for PortalNew and PortalRemove events.
Auth type needed for [[PortalModal]] events.
Auth type needed for [[PortalNotification]] events.
The type to be used in a [[IPortalRenderRequestResponse]].
The type to be used in a IPortalRenderRequest.
The event type to be used in an IProctoringServiceRegistrationRequest.
The event type to be used in an IProctoringServiceSaveSettingsMessage
The event type to be used in an IProctoringServiceSaveSettingsMessageResponse
Auth type needed for Route events.
The event type to be used in an IEventSubscriptionRequest.
The type to be used in an IUnauthorizedResponse.
The event type to be used in an IEventUnsubscriptionRequest.
Generated using TypeDoc
The type of events an integration can receive.