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LTI Advantage - Sample JSON

Published: Not Available

Last Update: Not Available



This document documents sample JSON between the Learn LMS and an LTI Advantage Tool Provider. We'll be using for our examples. One use case we're often asked about is doing video embeds in Learn content. That will be our first, and for now, only example.

When adding content back from the internal tool for LTI 1.1/Deep Linking 1.0, you can specify custom JSON, use:

"@context": "",
"@graph": [
"@type": "LtiLinkItem",
"@id": ":item1",
"title": "LTI embedded-app test",
"mediaType": "text/html",
"url": "",
"placementAdvice": {
"displayWidth": 147,
"displayHeight": 184,
"presentationDocumentTarget": "iframe"

For LTI 1.3+/Deep Linking 2.0+ use:

"type": "ltiResourceLink",
"title": "An Embedded Resource",
"text": "A description",
"url": "",
"iframe": {
"width": 500,
"height": 800

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Scott Hurrey

Former DirectorIntegrations, Developer Relations and Standards